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Kin of the Stars

A community for the fans of Crest of the Stars, Abh culture, anime, technology, science fiction, video games, and friendly conduct.

mitsuki lover
11 posters

    Random Thought

    Rear Flyer
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by lymhfeubdach 9/15/2009, 12:58 am

    Kenya West 's actions at the VMA was uncalled for and great deal of american public feels that he needs to stop acting like a jerk. It was very nice ohow beyonce handle the whole situation and allow Taylor Swift finish her speech to her fans.
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 9/15/2009, 7:09 am


    AlexT wrote:
    Food topic is nice idea - everyone can desctibe things they had chance to eat and how they eat it (except obvious everyday stuff) so that others can at least be warned before trying something exotic Smile
    I don't remember them all. Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_lol

    AlexT wrote:
    Something like old "way you feel about life" topic at A.N. but you have to post song or poetry that could describe your current mood atm maybe. It's not like we're in any danger of spam here anyway ;P
    Woulde be nice.
    Don't underestimate spammers. They spam any forum they find, even less used like the ITER one. (hm... they changed the server)

    lymhfeubdach wrote:Kenya West 's actions at the VMA was uncalled for and great deal of american public feels that he needs to stop acting like a jerk. It was very nice ohow beyonce handle the whole situation and allow Taylor Swift finish her speech to her fans.
    Well, these are self promotion shows/awards like the Oscar etc. What do you expect?
    Even the nobel price is now no more than a promotional instrument.

    Number of posts : 542
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 9/15/2009, 1:51 pm


    My fever is back, just when i thought it's gone already. Now this is weird. I'll be going to hospital tomorrow. I begin to realy hate it...
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 9/15/2009, 3:22 pm


    I hope it's not swine flu, but otherwise it's normal for flu to return if you don't rest enough after the first time. Now is flu seasons, though. Just make sure you keep yourself warm, this should lower chances of additional colds.

    Number of posts : 542
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 9/19/2009, 3:09 pm

    I survived worse, and looks like it still takes more than just a swine to take me down - fever is gone for 2 days now. Hopefully i won't bee seeing that swine anytime soon Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_wink

    Almael, i sent you current sketch of that Cruiser. I have some problems with imageshack atm so can't set up topic right.
    Anyway - i hope you'll like overal shape and proportions so i can finish it and move on to painting pretty girls Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_geek
    mitsuki lover
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 9/21/2009, 1:57 pm

    It is getting to be flu season once more.This is the last day of Summer and tommorrow is the first day of Autumn.It was only 40 above today so it looks like we are getting into colder weather.

    Number of posts : 542
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 9/24/2009, 3:26 pm

    Yeah, finaly the summer is gone. I hate heat... i'm a cold person Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_cool

    Winter season is gonna be interesting - lots of things will change by the end of the year. I felt it today - the world is getting better by the minute Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_biggrin Earned some bonus on a real quick deal. But local currency state is still no good while prices are still +- the same. So say 1000$ can get you a lot more food/drink and entertainment, sadly it doesn't apply to electronics and most of consumer goods - they are all imported. It's always nice to get paid in $.

    Looks like NATO is loosing it in Afghanistan. Reminds me of an old saying "do not start a war you're not planing to win". The worst war to wage for regulars - can't beat the cheaters without becoming cheater yourself or hiring one. And whoever said the upcoming age is going to be the "age of secret services" was right about everything except 1 thing - those "services" learned to think for themselves and now have their own goals.
    It's always hard to oppose people that have no brain to be affected by your common sense/values/propaganda/economy. More often than not your only option is extermination - something public moral won't allow either. And you can't stop half way too... Anyone got any ideas? Except orbital bombardment for course - no faction on earth is as cruel as Abhs Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_geek
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 9/25/2009, 6:48 am

    AlexT wrote:
    Looks like NATO is loosing it in Afghanistan. Reminds me of an old saying "do not start a war you're not planing to win".
    You realized it now? Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_lol
    It was actually visible over a year ago. The bad guys were smart and
    saw that too, hence, they change their objectives. That's why we got
    the little war started in Pakistan& Africa(Somalia) last year.
    After all, Pakistan with it's nukes and Africa are of strategic

    AlexT wrote:
    And whoever said the upcoming age is going to be the "age of secret
    services" was right about everything except 1 thing - those "services"
    learned to think for themselves and now have their own goals.

    And you can't stop half way too... Anyone got any ideas? Except orbital
    bombardment for course - no faction on earth is as cruel as Abhs Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_geek
    Well, after the cold war the service became a hazard, because the lives
    of employees became worth nothing. Before you had a 50% chance of being
    exchanged, but afterward syou got some metal tip. That resulted in
    Now the hazard is even greater, and relies more on unrelyable sources and employees.

    Ideas? Well,
    -thinning the atmosphere
    -let some bugs loose
    -fill the skies with automatic UAV
    -mine the hills
    -sonic/mircowave sweeping
    -curfew after 9 (there is nothing to do or go to anyway)

    Number of posts : 542
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 9/25/2009, 8:17 am

    Almael wrote:You realized it now? Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_lol
    When it comes to this type of war you can never be too sure unless you sit in HQ of one of the sides. It's not like WW2 where you could count tanks/soldiers at some moment and say who's winning - there's no real front line and often more complex mechanisms at work than what's seen on TV so i never judge untill the man in charge says "omg, it's all over!" Smile
    Now the hazard is even greater, and relies more on unrelyable sources and employees.
    Yep yep. When some service that is supposed to be secret also need to fund itself, set goals for itself and define methods -the only thing that separate them from becoming another corporation except for their own beliefs and it never proven to be very strong and everlasting motivation,e specialy when nobody realy care about you.
    " To manipulate a man is a careful project: too light a hand and he follow his own whim, too heavy a hand and he turn against you"

    Ideas? Well,
    -thinning the atmosphere
    -let some bugs loose
    -fill the skies with automatic UAV
    -mine the hills
    -sonic/mircowave sweeping
    -curfew after 9 (there is nothing to do or go to anyway)
    Not such extreme ideas Smile What would you do if it was your campaign? The problem is that regulars are not suited for that type of work. They wanna do it clean and so they get such results:
    Their actions are restricted by public opinion, TV press and other stuff.
    It's easier to
    pay/bride whatever other local faction to start internal or regional struggle instead of turning it into foreign invasion . This is the job for those lazy "services".
    Involving official regular armies was always bad idea at East (unless it's Israel) - they get a chance to turn it into some ideological war, attract public attention. I'd fund some local struggle if it was me. And let "professionals" handle all the tricky situations and targets by any means necessery and not just "what would look good on Time's cover".
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 9/25/2009, 10:54 am

    AlexT wrote:- there's no real front line and often more complex mechanisms at work than what's seen on TV so i never judge untill the man in charge says "omg, it's all over!" Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_smile
    I see. So you prefer the last minute excitement and fireworks.

    -the only thing that separate them from becoming another corporation except for their own beliefs and it never proven to be very strong and everlasting motivation,e specialy when nobody realy care about you.
    Yep, one reason why most field veterans left during the last years, and more will follow.

    Not such extreme ideas Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_smile What would you do if it was your campaign?
    Set up DMZ first, build them fortresses. (better you know their secrets than let them have their own.) Give them normal weapons, munitions and let them sort it out by themselves.

    The problem is that regulars are not suited for that type of work.
    They wanna do it clean and so they get such results:

    It's easier to pay/bride whatever other local faction to start internal or regional struggle instead of turning it into foreign invasion.

    And let "professionals" handle all the tricky situations and targets by any means necessery and not just "what would look good on Time's cover".
    It's not they want to do it clean. It's a question of 'commitment' and some pride.
    Bribes won't get you far, you just risk financing your enemy.
    The problem is no matter where you go, you only find children, girls, women, and old men...
    So your side doesn't have many allies to begin with.
    Well, if you can't support your professionals then you are likely to supply the enemy with their better equipment.
    Rear Flyer
    Rear Flyer

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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by lymhfeubdach 9/26/2009, 1:04 am

    First, it me I'am back and would like God for stoping another 9/11 attack in my home state of Texas. I don't know how F.B.I was able get this monster, but thank you Lord for guiding to bad just in time.
    Rear Flyer
    Rear Flyer

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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by lymhfeubdach 10/4/2009, 2:27 am

    I need lose some weight bad, my belly gotten bigger over the years. I been looking into weight lifting get rid some pounds.
    Front Flyer
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by tanis1lionheart 10/4/2009, 2:49 am

    I'm fat, but I'm happy with who I am.

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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by JGZinv 10/4/2009, 5:51 pm

    I'm still around, just haven't checked in in a while.

    Had a lot of trouble keeping business alfoat, got problems at other forums I've had to handle,
    various other things which are eating up time.

    Ain't dead or forgotten anyone though.

    True power comes not from strength, but from the soul and imagination
    Random Thought - Page 8 BeyondSM
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/5/2009, 3:40 am

    Great to hear from you again. I got a little worried about your absence.
    Anyway, we got new members, although inactive, some new interesting topics&posts about seikai games in general..

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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by JGZinv 10/5/2009, 12:07 pm

    Yeah sorry about that. Every week seems to be testing my resolve and patience as of late.

    True power comes not from strength, but from the soul and imagination
    Random Thought - Page 8 BeyondSM
    mitsuki lover
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 10/5/2009, 2:34 pm

    I still have problems of my own here.At least with the Parallel Worlds forum the only problem I have is freezing,here it seems that lately if it's not one thing it's another.
    btw:Anyone else watching History Channel's Clash of the Gods?Tonight they do Tolkien.
    Front Flyer
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by tanis1lionheart 10/5/2009, 2:44 pm

    I'll end up DLing 'Clash of the Gods'.

    Number of posts : 542
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 10/6/2009, 6:09 am

    It's what's called "back to school/work" season so there's less activity on internet and forums i guess.

    I just returned from every year's "weapons and security" exhibition here in Kyiv...
    They say in US people who post "paid" reviews on their blogs will have to pay the fine - i read about in a news. Is it true? I'm curios how will they determine if review was "paid" for and where is the line between "paid review" and someone's twisted, yet personal opinion?
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/6/2009, 9:22 am

    AlexT wrote:It's what's called "back to school/work" season so there's less activity on internet and forums i guess.
    Well, it's always busy in the day but you don't have homeworks for half the week. Usually, I end up spending hours in comp labs waiting for next class or run from one campus to the other. So for me, only the schedule organization is trouble.


    They say in US people who post "paid" reviews on their blogs will have to pay the fine - i read about in a news. Is it true?
    Well, the US is the country of the free where nothing is free. Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_lol All is about business, so basictly they would have to close all sites. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen.
    Many reviews are biased in some part, so I don't rely on any source. I rather look for people posting problems, that's where you get some insights.
    I also trust reviews by forum members I know more, as well as other posters.

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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 10/8/2009, 9:11 am

    Almael wrote:Well, it's always busy in the day but you don't have homeworks for half the week. Usually, I end up spending hours in comp labs waiting for next class or run from one campus to the other. So for me, only the schedule organization is trouble.
    So what do you play in comp labs? Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_razz
    I guess it's the same for me - i spend most of the time with computer constantly watching news and browsinng internet until there's something that require my attention.
    Well, the US is the country of the free where nothing is free. Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_lol All is about business, so basictly they would have to close all sites. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen.
    Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_eek Tssshh - C.I.A. is watching! Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_cool
    Hopefuly you're right. I can't even imagine going to some central park, start preaching about how bad Cadilac/McDonalds/Microsoft/Colt Defense products are just cuz some bum just gave me bottle of whiskey and get myself arrested for making "paid" review Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_wink But in internet - nobody comes to you telling bad things about something - you search for information yourself can choose which one you trust. It's like if goverment doesn't trust it's citizens judgement. Tomorow they'll make law agains liars, but i guess no prison is this large Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_smile

    Speaking of US - did anyone hear anything about Chrysler lately? Is it completely broke and no more or someone gonna buy it? I hope they made enough spare parts or i'm in trouble. Thankfuly "Mopar" is alive and still making 70% of the parts for most US car brands.
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/8/2009, 4:05 pm

    AlexT wrote:
    So what do you play in comp labs? Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_razz
    Well, hogging 90% of the school's server power to use the net as I want. Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_twisted


    Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_eek Tssshh - C.I.A. is watching! Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_cool
    Officially, they don't watch, they record it. Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_geek

    Speaking of US - did anyone hear anything about Chrysler lately? Is it completely broke and no more or someone gonna buy it? I hope they made enough spare parts or i'm in trouble. Thankfuly "Mopar" is alive and still making 70% of the parts for most US car brands.
    No worries. The president already rescued Chrysler.
    But maybe you should read this.

    Then I found this interesting. Well, it's not new that the georgian iconized him, but the russians?

    Number of posts : 542
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 10/8/2009, 6:11 pm

    Almael wrote:
    No worries. The president already rescued Chrysler.
    But maybe you should read this.
    Oh, at least my favorite car is safe for now. Smile As for oil - well, i'm all for alternate energy sources. I sincerely believe that electric motors are totaly superior. All they gotta solve is batteries and convenient way to charge em. Thankfuly i live in the country with so much electricity that electromobile will be next to "free" to ride since there's no way to produce "less" energy with nuclear power plants and we got lots of em.
    As for now - my 2.7L engine is quite efficient - i get 13L/100 tops which is good for quite a big car.

    Then I found this interesting. Well, it's not new that the georgian iconized him, but the russians?
    Actualy russians are the first ones to iconize him, many still do. Explaining it all can be realy hard because both - the russian and foreign (western) people been affected by very different information (propaganda) for decades, plus difference in mentality. But to make story short - "strong hand" was always popular in Russia, even here in Ukraine which is actualy torn equaly between it's own and russian culture/history depending on region (west-east). Right now Russia is more interested in it's pre-soviet past - the times when Tzar had the throne while soviet past is valued mostly for technological/scientific achievements. I'd say current Russia is more like blaming soviet regime for destroying that pre-soviet society so i doubt they gonna "ressurect" Stalin's good memory.

    P.S.: Do you know any info on what is effective range for Abh spatial awareness? How far can Abh (with tiara) sense someone behind him (movement etc)? Also - is it possible for those special forces units to have some sort of echnanced tiaras that boost their spatial senses?
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/8/2009, 7:09 pm

    AlexT wrote:Thankfuly i live in the country with so much electricity that electromobile will be next to "free" to ride since there's no way to produce "less" energy with nuclear power plants and we got lots of em.
    As for now - my 2.7L engine is quite efficient - i get 13L/100 tops which is good for quite a big car.
    Yeah, NE energy will have to serve for some more before we got fusion or use hydrogen.
    Hmmm, that's a bit better than my car, although, mine is an older japanese model, but better than the average.

    Right now Russia is more interested in it's pre-soviet past - the times when Tzar had the throne while soviet past is valued mostly for technological/scientific achievements.
    I see. In any case, those eras are over, people should realize that. We can't return without a world wide war killing lots of people. And even if that happens there won't be enough resources left. Today we got some chance by developing new tech to deal with the problems, but it means we must keep the peace to allow them to develope.

    P.S.: Do you know any info on what is effective range for Abh spatial awareness? How far can Abh (with tiara) sense someone behind him (movement etc)? Also - is it possible for those special forces units to have some sort of echnanced tiaras that boost their spatial senses?
    At least 150 m (should not be less). Jinto said something in COTS when he explained it but I don't think he said anything about range. Maybe even 200 m using ingenious tech and processing tricks.
    They probably got better ones, but I doubt it's possible to boost range by a lot.
    They probably have extra processing features like able to determine precisely where bullets come from and fly to, plus extra physical calcs for beyond range. They may be able to meassure wind speed. Use more range of sound waves to detect stealth measures.
    It's also possible for them to scan matter (x-ray like) or material like people to a certain degree at close range. (scanners for pregnant women)
    Of course if other sources provide sounds, then those will also be processed. Usually sound from other sources give better range. But all these are of course not official. Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_cool

    Edit: Maybe I should write the 'infinity story' after all. It's a trilogy, one part will involve the last war and my avarta, second will be the main name reason, last part will lead to story #1. It's a long story and a no writer like me doesn't like to write it...

    Number of posts : 542
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    Random Thought - Page 8 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 10/10/2009, 6:29 pm

    Almael wrote: Yeah, NE energy will have to serve for some more before we got fusion or use hydrogen.
    Hmmm, that's a bit better than my car, although, mine is an older japanese model, but better than the average.
    Mine is definately not a small one, here's random google of Chrysler 300M (just not this color): - it's 5 meter long, 1.92m wide and i think about 1600kg (or heavier because modifications like engine and bottom protection, different springs, slightly tuned motor) but it was made during time when Mercedes owned Chrysler so engine is probably developed by mercedes. While smallest among 2 availible (the other one is 3.5) is very high-tech for US car. It's 220 HP which is good for 2.7 and 13L/100 (7.3 on highway) is better even when compared to much smaller cars and engines. I can't believe Mitsubishi Lancer X eat 12L (that excuse of a car). But the engine is a lot more complex compared to, say, good old AMC 242 motor you can find in almost every Jeep model till 2000, but those are ancient relics - they kept installing motor developed in 1964 till 2000 Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_eek But it was worth it - simple and reliable as crowbar. But it's 4.0L and ate 16-17 L/100 (on my grand cherokee) while having 190 H.P. Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_eek

    I see. In any case, those eras are over, people should realize that. We can't return without a world wide war killing lots of people. And even if that happens there won't be enough resources left. Today we got some chance by developing new tech to deal with the problems, but it means we must keep the peace to allow them to develope.
    Reminds me of this little bit of lyrics:
    "Suicide nation, mass-appeal, death addiction.
    Dead but dreaming, restrained by phobia
    Brainwashed into submission" (C) At the gates

    Eras begin and end in minds of the people... And while there's been a huge progress during all these past-ussr years...there's been a lot of resistance as well. Not sure how much you see on tv, but in here the situation is pretty bad when it comes to relations with Russia atm... I'm not sure where it's headed, economy will truly decide who's who. One of the reasons world need to become less dependant on oil...
    At least 150 m (should not be less). Jinto said something in COTS when he explained it but I don't think he said anything about range. Maybe even 200 m using ingenious tech and processing tricks.
    That's a lot... good. Need it for little something i'm making..
    Maybe I should write the 'infinity story' after all. It's a trilogy, one part will involve the last war and my avarta, second will be the main name reason, last part will lead to story #1. It's a long story and a no writer like me doesn't like to write it...
    Story is always nice Random Thought - Page 8 Icon_cheers Btw, maybe you wanna try to make something in more "popular" style this time? 1-2 well developed main heroes and reader get most of the picture from their perspective. You know - less Herbert and more Garry Garrison, more adventure, less politics and static details.

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