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Kin of the Stars

A community for the fans of Crest of the Stars, Abh culture, anime, technology, science fiction, video games, and friendly conduct.

mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought

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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/7/2012, 11:41 am

    Yeah, I know how strange things can be. Laughing
    For me it's like a generation of difference between me and my ten year younger nices/nephews. They are spoiled from my point of view, and typical of the famous ignorant american the rest of the world thinks of. Well, they got a bit better but still very ignorant imho.
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/8/2012, 1:07 pm

    Surfing the web I've found some amusing out of the blue interpretation of a simple drill hole made by the Spirit Rover.
    Bones on Mars!
    Coins on Mars!
    You don't need to be a scientist to see how far fetch those interpretations are. I actually thought it was a reference sized object at first, usually brought along just like Curiosity's cent coin.

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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 10/8/2012, 1:25 pm

    Almael wrote:Finally friday! Very Happy
    Contractor as in temporary specialist? Well, as long as it is part of his job he does have the obligation to tell you and offer solutions. Has something to do with the metier pride I guess.
    No, i mean the employer that hire us (as company). Always wanting things done the way they see it which is rearely the most cost/time efficient way. Takes some time before they start to trust your judgement and just keep mouth shut and money coming Rolling Eyes

    Busy days, i miss peace and comfort of the office and i feel like i'm loosing weight which is a good thing Very Happy Forgot my phone today - 20km from where i am atm Sad good thing it's underground behind thick concrete walls where there's no signal - people won't be mad at me
    Almael, you know all those girls/cartoon characters on tanks, planes etc - ever seen a picture of any real millitary vehicle\jet with anime character on it? That was a cool tradition back in old days, but little of modern millitary stuff is custom painted these days Sad
    mitsuki lover
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 10/8/2012, 1:46 pm

    It is supposedly Columbus Day today.People don't celebrate it like they used to.
    Plus it is barely 40 degrees right now.
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/10/2012, 6:30 am

    I see. Yeah, many customers are clueless and ignorant of the details of problems of their idea. But that's why you are there.

    "Pin-ups" are no longer allowed in today's regulated military. But some vehicles do have some art. I'm not sure if it's their unit's insignia or not, though. Kill symbol art is still accepted and cared for. Perhaps it has something to do with that aircrafts don't belong to a pilot but to a mechanic. An aircraft has many pilots assigned to it. In the past each one got his own plane.
    <_< >_> Are you making those war planes in a certain game?

    see collection:

    Well, the problem is if you celebrate too much on holidays then it's no longer a day off.

    mitsuki lover
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 10/10/2012, 1:48 pm

    Ah!The good ol' days of WWII when just about every plane had a nose or fuselage
    design. Cool

    Been reading a bit of Killing Lincoln by O'Reilly and Dugard.For some reason every time I read an O'Reilly book I can only get so far and then have to put the book
    down.This is no different.Plus it is so badly and sloppily written.No reference
    citations of any kind wheter in the text or as foot or end notes.Plus no bibliography.
    It's rather irritating. Evil or Very Mad
    That and it all seems to be just another Conspiracy type book,in this case
    Jefferson Davis and the Confederate Government MUST'VE been behind it,which is just as bad as the Stanton was behind it theory.
    Can we stop with the silly conspiracy theories now? Sleep
    mitsuki lover
    mitsuki lover
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    Post by mitsuki lover 10/12/2012, 1:37 pm

    I don't know about anyone else but the VP debate made me seriously consider either voting for
    Constitution Party's Virgil Goode or T.J. O'Hara the Independent candidate endorsed by the
    Modern Whig Party.Ryan is too wonkish for me,I'd rather vote for a Vulcan at least they have a better sense of humor.
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    Post by Almael 10/14/2012, 1:43 pm

    That's why I don't bother with popularists. They only amuse me with their "proofs". But there are some good writers, too, though. Can't tell you who. Razz Laughing
    See? Vulcans are good guys. Very Happy
    Well, it would be a real wonder if the dual system gets busted. Neutral

    USS San Jacinto just hit the USS Montpelier. It's scary though when you are in a sub. The same can be said for space crafts, only you might not live to notice...
    We finally got proof for the carbon class planet. I heard the rumors for awhile. I have to say carbon being an endproduct of supernovae (iron fusion) it's not really that surprising but certainly rare for a pure planet to exist. With this I expect we get better estimates. As to mining diamonds...well what good are they for? Jewellery?
    We can produce better quality diamond for the industry than anything natural. Not worth it to send people for jewellery.

    I was looking for some weapons info and came across some new stuff
    Really, the though of shoulder fired .50 caliber rifles is scary and fascinating. People say it depends on accuracy if they are any good but imho these only need to hit anywhere to kill you (whether at once or due to bleeding). There's no real need for precision like a true sniper rifle.
    The weapon in the new Resident Evil movie. Mechanically it's not really a new idea but it seems it's new for guns. Anyway, it looks similar to the old russian bullpup design. I guess we will see some more smaller/shorter weapons soon.

    mitsuki lover
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 10/15/2012, 1:51 pm

    You might not live to survive a sub crash either depending on the depth and damage.
    I have a cousin-in-law who recently retired from the navy.He spent a lot of times in subs.

    As far as a Carbon Planet goes,agree that all in all it would be worthless for mining,especially
    as the cost to get there and back would be higher than simply to continue mining on Earth.
    Any way when something like diamonds becomes that common it would essentially be worthless.
    When you can pick off easily then it certainly wouldn't seem to be as valuable as if it were rare and hard to find.
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/16/2012, 2:31 pm

    Reality is cruel and space is less unforgiving.
    O.O That sure is worth celebrating, no?
    Edit: Now, that I think about it there are some questions about subs I would like answered.
    Please forward them for me. If for some reason they are not to be published they don't need all answered or pm me the answers.
    -I would like to know the various thicknesses of walls. It doesn't need to be precise just how they relate is fine.
    -What are the sizes of doors and ladders roughly? What is the size of an average guy meant to be? Are there manholes and how big are they?
    -Is there anything getting recycled? Does the toilet business get flushed out or stored and or flushed out later into the sea?
    -How often do the water generators get maintained? Are air filters being used regularly or only for emergencies?
    -Subs have radiation protection for the crew living/working spaces but are they as well as protected when going through to the aft?
    And if a leak from outside happens does regulation allow sending someone to fix it in there?
    I heard you can stuff up cracks in the hull but how do you do it exactly?
    -Lets say someone got pierced by some pipe or whatever and need immediate surgery, can that be done and where could it take place?
    I doubt there are nurses but are there people trained to assist?
    -Are there jobs everyone has to rotate to aside from doing laundry and cleaning in general?
    -How does a four shift rotation feel like? Is there some affect? Do sensitive people get seasick? How do you manage your time?
    -Do you experience as much ear pressure pain when diving? Does the floor buckle such that you can feel it? Do you hear a sound from normal deformation?
    Are there holes on the floor that would automatically pump out water?

    Exactly, if we live in space, mining would be normal, anyway. Even then you don't mine everything. I think earth would be a have to mine thing if things are grown with it. Or we simply mine gas planets for most things not metal. Letting down a tube from orbit and suck! Well, sucking in vacuum. Laughing it probably will have chambers...

    Btw. alternative worlds is online again and under JGZinv's.
    I think I should save some threads there just in case.

    Back to some scary flys:
    this one is even more...egg laying than the other one.
    Then there's the "vampire" leech which goes into your nose or worse.
    It's too bad to post links.
    mitsuki lover
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 10/17/2012, 1:40 pm

    Don't know if I can get all those questions answered but I will try to see what I can do.First I have to find if we have my cousin's e-mail address.

    It's definitely getting into Autumn here.The temperature was only 38 or so when I went to get the mail

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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/17/2012, 1:55 pm

    Thanks for the effort anyway.

    Most exciting news:
    We found a planet at Alpha Centauri, the nearest triple star system!
    Alpha Centauri B it seems so not quite the nearest star but very close. Took me a while to find a news text that was clear on which star. :/
    See 100 year starship thread.

    Electric pants to stop bedsores.
    Uhm, zapping yourself in the groan eh? Like century old movies. Laughing
    mitsuki lover
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 10/19/2012, 1:47 pm

    I'm still trying to figure out how to broach the subject.I hope you aren't in any hurry.

    Yes,I read the same thing about a planet being near Alpha Centauri.
    Should we start prepping the Jupiter 2 now? lol!
    Or should we hide the liquor from Londo?

    Electric pants?Are they serious?
    Sounds like an idea for a Jerry Lewis movie! Laughing
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/19/2012, 7:47 pm

    Nah, no need to hurry. This is random thoughts here.

    Londo! But wait, Vir is worst on liquor! Laughing

    Yes, the perfect pants for actors.
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/22/2012, 6:53 am

    Early morning news
    The japanese have redesigned their HAL exoskeleton for Fukushima use.
    I didn't think they would do a redesign but the did anyway. Now it's more like uparmored than just wearing a lead protector from medical use. I wonder how long it can last, though.
    It appears the mechanics/motors got smaller, too.
    mitsuki lover
    mitsuki lover
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    Post by mitsuki lover 10/22/2012, 1:39 pm

    Interesting.My initial thought was that I wonder if it would eventually evolve into the type of power suits the Knights Sabers wear in Bubblegum Crisis.
    Overall I can see the usefulness of it for cleaning up not just Fukushima but other
    muclear and dangerous toxic sights as well.

    mitsuki lover
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 10/24/2012, 2:15 pm

    While I was doing more genealogical research on Monday I found that the National Archives in the
    U.K. have a copy on file of a will of a mariner probated in August 1723 with the exact same last
    name of my immediate male ancestor who came to Virginia in 1696.They give two alternative spellings of the name and one is the exact same as my ancestor.
    So I am now wondering if they might've been brothers,cousins or even uncle and nephew.
    This is the first break of any kind I can think of other than Y-DNA.
    And it's not that common a name which is why I think they might've been related.
    My ancestor came to Virginia as a soldier so it's interesting this particuliar man was a sailor on
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/25/2012, 1:16 pm

    Well, the powersuit requires more power in terms of mechanic power and energy supply. Not to mention better materials. I guess the new armor tech we got regarding fluid and molecular armor will do, but everything else is still some ways off. At earliest 10-20 years ...

    In the past most families are bit so there should be some relatives. Well, not sure if it still applies then but due to past "closed" villages and social "class" divisions chances are high relatives are around the same regions.
    There's something I have been wondering about. Since you are well into geneology:
    how often (years or probability) do genetic clones of an ancestor reappear within a family?
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 10/26/2012, 3:15 pm

    Hmmm....I wouldn't know about that.I take it you mean descendants who have a physical resemblance
    to an ancestor.Never crossed my mind really.

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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/26/2012, 6:22 pm

    Yes, that what I meant.
    Sorry, but I got lots of random thoughts every day covering all kinds of subjects. Laughing
    I'm cursed with infinite curiosity.

    For example I was wondering how the germans managed to create a remote mine in WWII.
    I mean we still need lots of electronics for the simplest control feature. The simplicity back then is just mind blowing. Laughing
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by Almael 10/28/2012, 7:13 am

    Hawaii got away with "normal" wave tsunami again. Seeing as it had not much historic disastrous tsunamis unlike japan in similar periods of time, it's somehow always better of.

    Looks like BBC news is no longer that open. Just until yesterday they had an article on how china censored the report on its premier's wealth. Now that article is gone. Really, these days you gotta check several new media just to get some truth.

    Now that the election in the ukraine are over, i'm curious about the result. Especially now that russia is ...rounding up certain people.

    In a different random talk about the banning of the confed flag on the hazard brothers' car etc. it ended in the involvement of the vatican and the origin of then slavery. Basically slavery was common around the world in the past but only applied to people being sold due to debt and it does not necessarily apply to decendants. Now, the theory is that things changed in europe when the romans/greek etc came into contact with the near eastern societies (babylon, egypt etc.). Of course there is also the differentiation between one's own people and other's slave. So we couldn't conclude it...

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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 10/28/2012, 4:53 pm

    Yes, the elections in Ukraine are over indeed. I barely made it in time to vote. The exit-poll results are not that bad considering expectations, but we yet to get official results which will depend on how much they'll manage to falsificate as they'll certainly do.
    It's a miracle no major accidents are reported yet, though by "major" i mean stuff like in end of 90's when ppl shot grenade launchers etc. Very Happy A dozen of smashed faces, broken cameras, bruises are just business as usual
    Oh well: "History is written by the observer. Propaganda is written by the victor."

    It's all about work for me lately and lots of it with no time for anything else. Can't wait till it's over, even though pay is good Neutral

    That Goliath mine must've been expensive - it's a small tank in the end. Maybe it would cost more than russian T-34 it destroys Very Happy Though idea was briliant at the time...
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 10/29/2012, 1:53 pm

    If you read up enough on WWII you will see that a lot of innovative weapons came from the Axis.The most
    infamous of course being the V-1 and V-2 rockets.Most of these weapons were of course desperate measures.

    I think people confuse what was really the Battle Flag adopted mid-way through the Civil War with the
    Official Flag of the Confederacy.There were actually several before the Stars And Bars or Battle Flag was adopted.But it's the one that is most famous or infamous and connected with the Confederacy.
    The actual original Confederate Flag was called the Bonnie Blue Flag.It had a field of Blue with a single Star on it.If you've ever seen the movie Gods And Generals there is a scene where Lee and his
    generals are enjoying a troupe of Confederate actors sing and dance;one of the actors in that scene is shown waving the Bonnie Blue Flag.
    mitsuki lover
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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by mitsuki lover 10/31/2012, 1:55 pm

    We finally heard from my aunt in New Jersey. Very Happy
    It seems that when the power went out they even lost their cell phones so couldn't call back until now.

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    Random Thought - Page 24 Empty Re: Random Thought

    Post by AlexT 10/31/2012, 3:14 pm

    That's one tough hurricane...The nature can't be underestimated i guess... And those sharks "roaming" the streets - that was something to see!

    I keep thinking of how much damage to economy all these hurricanes cause, especially in a country with such a "light" approach to house building Neutral
    P.s. If anyone need a bunker built - let me know Wink

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